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Kybella is an injectable that an increasing number of aesthetic providers are using to help remove fat underneath their neck. Commonly referred to as a double chin, this area of submental fat can also result in a sagging turkey neck. Kybella is quickly becoming the most popular substitute for surgery to remove chin fat, and for good reason. Its primary ingredient is deoxycholic acid, which is a type of acid that naturally occurs inside the body to breakdown and absorb fat. Kybella injections melt submental fat in the chin, neck and bra areas with concentrated amounts of deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid then assists in breaking down and removing neck, chin and bra fat, alleviating the look of sagging skin.

Microblading is an innovative type of tattooing that implants pigment under your skin to give the appearance of thicker, fuller eyebrows. Instead of using a traditional tattoo gun, though, a cosmetic specialist uses a handheld machine to conduct the procedure. While the process reportedly isn't as painful as it might sound, many prospective clients still want to receive more incentive in the form of before and after photos before they'll agree to undergo it. That's where medical photo management and aesthetic photography systems come in.

If you are a healthcare professional who offers aesthetic services that are designed to improve a person's appearance, then you absolutely need to be making good use of a quality medical photo management program. In your line of work, before and after photos make all the difference in terms of whether people will choose to go with your service or not, which is why it is so very important that you have good photos, manage them well, and display then in a way that is pleasing to clients and that is likely to encourage them to choose your service over the service of another provider.

If you're a medical professional who practices in the cosmetic or aesthetics industry, then you'll no doubt understand the importance of taking good before and after photos of your work. Healthcare document imaging can be tricky even when you're using the best camera for clinical photography. Fortunately, you can use a medical photography app to assist you with your medical photo documentation.

The Evolution of EMR software for managing medical records

From paper based to paperless: With the consistently increasing health consciousness among people and their demands for improved healthcare efficiency, patient information flowing to the right people at the right time has become extremely crucial. Considering the facts that health care organizations do not have the appropriate systems to effectively store and manage such vast information in one place, and to survive in this era of cut-throat competition, they are welcoming advancing technologies with open arms and are evolving into integrated clinical workstations, to provide a single entry point to access all patient related information. The essence of this evolution lies in the reincarnation of medical records.

Becoming a leader in aesthetic medicine

Aesthetic Medicine is a very challenging field. It’s a great option for those looking to enhance their natural beauty or boost their self-confidence. However, for providers who work in this field, having to purchase a medical photography camera in order to easily compare before and after treatment photos can be time consuming, expensive, and overall very difficult. Luckily, with the increase in demand for an all-inclusive cost effective medical photography app, we are also seeing major advancements in photography systems for the aesthetic industry. Medical photo documentation is now easily accessible during consultations and is HIPAA compliant. Medical photography apps that provide a way for providers to retrieve client information while simultaneously cutting down the time required to do so increases efficiency and is a fantastic way to integrate a seamless workflow for the provider. When client information is more easily accessible, it gives time back to providers, which consequently provides better service to their patients.